Pokemon Café.

I’m from the UK. I’m going to Tokyo from 12th of April to 24th.

I want to go to the pokemon cafe but It keeps showing it as full. I know that they take reservations like a month in advance.

Today I forgot to check at 9am and then checked at 10am instead and it was already full.

How can I increase my chances?

by Chemical-Bonus4601

  1. I was trying for 4/13 today. We were on 3 devices. I paid someone to also try.

    I saw times flash on my phone the 27 and 42 minute mark for one slot.

    Crashed when I tapped as 1,000 other people made the same request.

    I guess it’s not pointless to try, but I spent an hour 15 refreshing like a madman and that’s as close as we got.

    And we were supposed to go to the Great Barrier Reef today and got cancelled on twice in one day and it was our shot.

    Trip not going as planned.

  2. Unfortunately you’re competing with thousands of other people around the world… they go in _minutes_.

    Edit: bots and re-sellers are also a huge problem. Partly why Kichikichi moved to an in-person, book on the day system.

  3. You need to check at 9am GMT, and then refresh again at 9:20. I did exactly that – frustrated that I didn’t get a slot on the hour because the server was overloaded, but then loads of slots re-opened at 6:20 and I got through with pretty much no problem.

    A lot of people start the process, but don’t follow through on the reservation, and their session expires after 20 minutes which releases them back into the pool. So don’t panic too much.

  4. These time slots sell out within seconds, so you really need to be online the instant they open up, and you _still_ might not get them. Gone are the days when you could basically get Pokemon Cafe slots whenever…

  5. Keep checking. There are always cancellations. I got in because friend found an 11:30am for the next day.

  6. Check the night before in JST time for cancellations. Otherwise you’re probably boned

  7. If it makes you feel any better all i’ve ever heard about it is that the food is terrible. my partner and i are going to tokyo in two weeks and can’t wait to go to the pokemon center though!!

  8. Do you like JRPGs?

    The Square Enix café in Akihabara is a wonderful place to go and nowhere near as crowded. They give you cool free stuff and the store has a lot of fun things as well.

    Every few months the theme is changed and if you like their games, its the perfect alternative!!

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