Language schools in Tokyo – looking for advice

Hey all, I’m heading to Tokyo for 1 month to get some language study in, on the advice of my PhD supervisor (I will be doing fieldwork next year). I think my current level is around N3, I’m halfway through the Quartet I textbook. In particular I want to improve my speaking because that’s what I’ll be doing during my fieldwork – my listening/reading/writing is much stronger and I find that a lot easier to do without going to Japan.

I’m wondering if folks have any experiences or opinions about the following language schools which all offer short term courses:
– Kudan – which offers either a conversation course (no kanji) or ‘4 skills’ course, ¥102k with housing options (that cost extra)
– Coto – intensive 4 skills course, ¥136k no housing
– Genkijacs – intensive 4 skills course, uses Quartet textbooks but may not be at the same spot I’m at, ¥160k with housing options (that cost extra)

For reference I have around ~¥260k in scholarship funding for this trip, and can spend a modest amount more from my own pocket.

Opinions about the value of doing language school vs just going and talking to people also welcome (although I’m quite shy, and last time I was in Japan I had trouble chatting with people because of that). Thanks!

by stellwyn

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