[Weekend Meme] のまのまイェイ

Listening practice on YouTube and it recommended: [のまのまイェイ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtWCtIIsfeg)

It’s indecipherable but a couple bothered me enough to google.

1. ぺんチラ \[image of a pen is shown briefly\]

ぺん is pen. チラ may be from ちらちら (appearing and disappearing; catching glimpses​).

However, the listening cat blushes, hinting at some innuendo? So I googled, and AFAICT, ぺん is not short for penis. As Freud would say, sometimes a pen is just a pen.

But I did find パンチラ (brief glimpse of a woman’s underwear). So maybe the cat misheard and blushes. Like the Inception of misheard lyrics.

2. あっロン! \[picture of Mahjong game\] ああロン

So looking up Mahjong terms starting with the letter “A” is a mistake. Should pay more attention to the kana. It’s ロン (栄 – winning by picking up a discarded tile).

In any case, I need to stop. My listening is only getting worse.

by japh0000

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