I made this Crispy Shio Karaage

I made this Crispy Shio Karaage

  1. Imagine a bite of chicken that’s so flavorful and juicy that it makes you smile. Then, coat that chicken in a fluffy cloud of crispness that shatters as you bite into it, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of why karaage is my favorite food in the world. It’s usually seasoned with a soy sauce-based marinade, but Shio Karaage is a variation that uses salt instead. This leaves enough room for the flavor of the chicken to really shine through, and I like to back the salt up with sake for umami, black pepper for a bit of spice, and garlic to compliment the savory chicken. Then I dust it in potato starch, which is the trick to creating a light and crispy shell, before frying it. Finally, to serve it, I usually go with a few wedges of lemon or sudachi, which lightens it up with acidity while adding a refreshing aroma. That’s all there is to it, but I have a [recipe here](https://youtu.be/eAotgGijD2Q) if you need more details. 

  2. Wow! I have not seen this variation before and appreciate you sharing the recipe. It looks super crunchy and delicious! Hope you enjoyed it.

  3. I love karaage, but my wife won’t let me make it anymore after I spilled hot oil on myself and had to go to the ER lol.

  4. I love Karage, but always got to eat it warm. When I bite down it burns my gums all the time….

  5. Hey there! Do you have any routines/methods for oil cleanup and disposal? That’s always been the thorn in my side for deep frying at home.

    Love the video though.

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