Hey guys does anyone know where I can get a Samue that’s not gonna break the bank?

I try my best to emulate a monastic life at home and try to follow the teachings of great vow zen monastery, I know this can be extra baggage but I find the more formal I am about my practice the better I am at persisting in a practice, I look at it like going to the gym, I can work out at home but when I go to the gym it helps amplify my purpose, I’ve always wanted to join a monastery but have never had the money or been close enough to one, In order to make it happen, now I have a family and responsibility and just want to bring that life as close to home as I can, When I search Samues they all seem to be in the hundreds for a full set, I still have to budget, does anyone know of a good place on the internet to buy one?

by Loose-Farm-8669

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