Need Advice for University

Hi! I’ve never made a Reddit post before, so sorry if I’m doing this wrong, or if this is the wrong sub. I just really needed some advice since no one I know has insight on this.

So, I’m currently 17. In 2022, I traveled to Japan and stayed at an international school for my sophomore year. I went there in hopes of learning more about traditional Japanese culture, and as a way to explore my art. Unfortunately, my school kinda really sucked and I ended up moving back to America without achieving anything or even exploring the country at all. After reflecting on my time there, I decided I wanted to pursue my original goal in university.

The problem is… I really have no idea what to do. I don’t know what school I should go to, or where. My main focus is art but I know there aren’t any English art universities there. I would love to go to school in Kyoto, but after the banning of foreigners, that’s probably off the table too.

I am mostly okay with going to a regular university. It doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice. I was thinking Temple since it’s kind of connected to my current school, but I heard pretty bad things about it, and I don’t want my experience to be the same as it was before. I also knew a girl who got into Waseda, but she was a model student and student council president. My grades are good; I have all A’s and am taking honors and APs, but I don’t know if I could pass the entrance exam.

I’m planning on visiting Japan next year, to see my friends again and possibly scope out schools, but I’m scared that by then it’ll be too late. I guess the purpose of this post is to help me find a plan of action? I don’t know what to do.

This post is kind of a mess and mostly word vomit,, sorry. I just don’t really have anywhere else to put these thoughts.

by hisokaswetasspussy

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