“Your Name” “Suzume” producer re-arrested over child prostitution and rape charges

“Your Name” “Suzume” producer re-arrested over child prostitution and rape charges

by Shiningc00


    > On April 22, Wakayama Prefectural Police Juvenile Division arrested Koichiro Ito, 52, a production company owner in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, on suspicion of violating the Child Prostitution and Pornography Law (child prostitution and production of child pornography) for giving cash to a girl who was a junior high school student and having sexual intercourse with her. This is the third time he has been arrested. According to investigators, Ito was involved in the production of the movie “Your Name”.

    > The re-arrested suspect is alleged to have given the girl (a Tokyo resident) cash (20,000-60,000 yen) and had sexual intercourse with her nine times at his apartment between November 2022 and July 2023, knowing that she was under 18 years old, and to have filmed the act with a smartphone.

    > Meanwhile, on April 22, the Wakayama District Public Prosecutors Office indicted Ito on charges of non-consensual sexual intercourse and violation of the Child Prostitution and Pornography Law. According to the indictment, in September 2021, Ito allegedly forced a then 15-year-old girl from Nagano Prefecture to send him a naked selfie to produce child pornography, and in November 2023, he allegedly gave a then 15-year-old girl from Tokyo 20,000 yen in cash to engage in sexual intercourse with her. In November 2023, he paid 20,000 yen in cash to a then 15-year-old girl in Tokyo to engage in sexual acts with her.

  2. I feel like I’m going crazy seeing people in these comments complaining about you posting this news and borderline defending it. You are totally right, pedophilia is endemic in Japan and its media.

     The amount of people that partake in child prostitution is sickening. Perhaps most of these other commenters are out of touch with the average Japanese, and are living in bubbles. You can go to many places in Tokyo and find underage girls advertising con cafes, or you can just skip the whole “becoming a customer” approach and just find them in Okubo park or openly advertising on Twitter. 

     Not even prostitution, you constantly see adults trying to nanpa children.

  3. ¥20,000 to mess up someone’s life forever. Where are the parents here? How did the creepy fuck get into contact with them?

    The dude needs life in prison for this. The girls need counseling and a good talking too.

    I still remember when I first came to Japan back in 2011 and was shocked to see kiddy mags in a convenience store magazine rack…. Mind blowing. You’d be absolutely screwed in my home country for that.

  4. i dont get it, there are plenty of pretty girls who are of legal age but i guess thats not enough for some

  5. Tbh generally when i was in japan a jaoanese friend showed me a pop band who had school cloths and while acting made some poses which are not really child freindly. I personally didnt have anything against it knowing they are over 18 but i know that in my country that wouldnt be succesfull at all. Gives a bitter taste to japanaese culture over child secualisation

  6. His 3rd arrest? It doesn’t sound like he had any intentions on stopping these acts. Are they just planning to continue on arresting him?

  7. OP seems like some unhinged Japan hater Jesus dude. Not everyone in Japan is a pedophile and not everyone that watches cartoons is a pedophile. Take a breather.

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