What are some other sentence structures?

I’m a beginner. I have a pretty bad memory and have been learning for 7 months (almost 8). I only know は,です,の, and か but wonder if there’s anything else. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

  1. if you’re a very details-oriented person, [https://www.imabi.net/](https://www.imabi.net/) is highly detailed and well written, but it’s also very deep into the linguistic weeds and isn’t for everyone

    otherwise download a copy of the genki textbooks and tae kim’s guide

  2. I’ve been using a book my friend who’s taking a course at ucsf gave me called “japanese from zero” and a the duolingo app and a site called japanese pod 101 I’ve been learning for a month can read hiragana and katakana know some basic kanji and am becoming proficient fairly fast. The book costs maybe 20$ at most and duolingo and japanese pod are free. If you are serious I would recommend using all three to supplement each other.

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