Ukiyo-e Museums in Tokyo

So I love ukiyo-e and am planning on visiting several museums and doing some shopping for prints on our upcoming trip this fall. We are going to visit the Tokyo National Museum for sure which is a broader museum but has a ukiyo-e room and probably the Kamigata Ukiyo-e Museum in Osaka as well. For prints, we are going to hit Mokuhankan and probably Hara Shobo. I’d love to get one of somewhere on our trip or of the autumn colors, it would be the perfect souvenir. Alas the Japan Ukiyo-e Museum will have to wait for another trip as we are not planning on going to Masumoto.

The Hokusai Museum seems like it would be a slam dunk to add to my plans but it seems to get mixed reviews from a lot of sites. I also had the chance to see an excellent Hokusai exhibition here in Seattle last fall and winter (the same exhibition was in Boston) so I don’t know if it would be a repeat of things we have seen before. Would the Ota Museum be a better choice – some of the travel threads say it’s small but usually quite good and they usually? Or are there other recommendations? I don’t really need there to be good English signage as I’m interested in looking at the detail on the prints. I would love to hear thoughts from folks who have been to both or either.

by KateASnow

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