2-year-old girl left home alone for 11 hours dies from heatstroke | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

2-year-old girl left home alone for 11 hours dies from heatstroke | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis


  1. RIP little one, you deserved more. Pray your next life is better. Hope those selfish cunts Rot in hell.

  2. Damn.. only 2years old. How can be someone so heartless. Whenever I read such news my heart tightens so much. I have 2 kid and thought that parenting is hard, but would NEVER EVER leave my children alone especially that age..

  3. Story makes me wonder, they had several kids already and took the girl under (who was already separated from original parents and in need of support status)? But they also had difficulty dealing with kids + work at the same time…

  4. Cunts. Being that this is Japan they won’t do any hard time at all.

    As a father of a little girl, I can’t imagine doing this kind of shit.

  5. This broke my heart. That’s enough reddit for me today. I can’t imagine what that little one must have felt; how scared they were. 💔

  6. What an awful story. So the adopted 2 year old is their granddaughter, and she was separated from her birth parents due to witnessing domestic violence? They’re presumably all related?

    It also seems that the grandmother herself has a 5 year old child? If the article is correct. Domestic violence and women having (or being forced to have??) lots of kids is a really sad but common combination

    It seems like a really troubled family. It’s so sad that this innocent baby had to bear the brunt of the actions of this group of people incapable of providing any semblance of love and care.

    Not to mention the probably traumatised 15 year old kid who came home to find the body of his sister/niece. 🙁

  7. Kid died from heatstroke in playpen

    “the air conditioner and the fan were on when I came home.”


  8. Japanese child protective services had deemed child was in need of support/help for 2 years and did jack shit. Only adding on to their streak of being useless

  9. Happens every year, in a car in a house doesn’t matter. Feel so sad for these little ones.

  10. These stories make me cry. There’s no true justice in this world. Nothing anyone can say or do can bring back that poor little girl. It hurts because I can’t see my own children from a previous marriage, and now struggle medically to have children again.

    I’d adopt any child in a heartbeat if it would save them from abuse or neglect.

  11. I hate this season because I will without a doubt gain the ability to hate with a red-hot fire inside me.

    Having kids makes this story especially rough. Damn them. Damn them to hell.

  12. So they found arrangements for the five year old son, but not the granddaughter?
    How do you have that many kids and let one die in that manner?

    It seems like they purposely neglected her.

    Edit: According to another article, they took the five year old with them. How fucked

  13. Adopted kids don’t fare well. It seems a disproportionate number of criminals and people with mental disorders were adopted. I can imagine some of their trauma came from before adoption, but frequently it is perpetrated by the adoption parents.

  14. I used to live in the States, now in Japan. Is it just me or are the Japanese …. Really sick and clueless? In the US when things like this happen it’s like okay yeah there was something wrong with them. But in Japan this is the norm. Thoughts???

  15. I’m so sick of reading stories like this. I feel like I’m reading cases like this almost everyday and I just can’t get my head around how someone can neglect a child that way. I understand the stress of parenting well, I have a 20 month old son but I could never even imagine leaving him alone at home.That poor baby.

  16. The city failed another child. Designated a child in need of protection since October 2020 and she’s 2 so pretty much since birth?? And NO OFFICIALS ever visited her home ever!?? Why?? No excuse for that. I know people with children who have officials visiting their home regularly just because they’re registered as disabled in some way. I have a child and had the family support division officials visiting my apartment every couple of months for a while just because of a much more minor issue and because we were low income. Where were the officials and why were they not doing their jobs??? Her being pulled out of daycare should have been another red flag, that doesn’t even make any sense, she couldn’t bring her to daycare “because her job made it difficult to bring her to daycare???” That’s what daycare is for!! If she couldn’t bring her to daycare because of her job then where was the child?? Probably at home alone I have to assume, since nothing else makes sense.

  17. Another case of ongoing neglect by not only the family, but those charged with ensuring such things don’t happen. The govt may give lip service about doing an investigation. But common sense change are words that lack meaning to tptb.

    These tragic cases make me so angry and so sad for the little ones who never had a chance. It doesn’t make sense to me how an adult can be so callous about such a wee child.

    Definitely hugging my kiddos a little longer tonight.

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