Expensive food that isn’t fancy

Pretty much what the title says but let me elaborate. I’ve been in japan for about 3 weeks now and vacation is almost over. I got the opportunity to try all these different kinds of foods/courses and everything has been amazinnggg. I have not had a single bad meal here, even the 711 food is insane!

However, alot of this food is very new to me. I grew up in a kinda lower middleclass family in india and moved to the US a couple years ago so I’ve never really tried most of this stuff. Everytime I’ve had a meal in a top notch restaurant(even in the states), i just feel annoyed by the simplicity of it? I think i dont have the tastebuds to appreciate the flavor or anything in my past to compare it to, so i don’t enjoy it as much as my peers. No shade to the chefs, i think its more of a me problem.

I still wanna try something nice and out if the norm so i would love some unique recommendations. Anything <$500 which tastes super good, super rich in flavors or just strange in some wayy. I don’t care which expensive wine my steak is cooked in or whatever i just want something fun to try!

Thanks in advance for any advice/ recommendations and big props to this community, all the tips helped ALOT during my time here.

by pondering_llama69

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