Police article takedown request

I run a website and received a phone call last week from an investigator in the southern part of the country. Apparently the maker of one of the products I wrote about didn’t like what I wrote, so they went to the police to request the article be removed. The police called me to request–not command/demand–I remove the article.

The article is almost four years old and I definitely can’t be bothered to fight over it, so I removed it and the investigator seemed satisfied. So I have no plans to talk to a lawyer.

That said, it struck me as odd that the request came from the police rather than A) the maker themselves (I have an inquiry form on my site, and make it very clear inquiries are fine in English or Japanese) or B) some lawyer’s office.

Is this simply because 業務妨害 is considered part of the criminal code here? Just curious if anyone else has dealt with this kind of thing. This is not the first or last time feathers are being ruffled with what I’ve written, but it is the first time I’ve had NPA involvement with this kind of thing.

by drinkintokyo

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