Looking for Travel Advice/Tips for Japan

I’ll be travelling to Tokyo for 10 days, March 2025, as a graduation present with my family. 3 of the people coming with have flown before, but only within the US or to Puerto Rico, so we could all be considered first timers for this experience since we’re going so far from our home countrycountry

I was wondering if anyone has any tips about navigating a Japanese airport (just in general since we don’t know if we’ll be landing in Haneda or Narita) and anything else that may help us our first day out. Some etiquette tips would also be helpful since I’m trying to compile some for my very loud and obnoxious family. Some warnings would also be nice so we aren’t shocked by any cultural differences out there (We’re from US) or things to watch out for like scams and such.

Anything helps, really. Thank you very much!

by CryptidPebble

  1. Follow the sign at the airport.

    Check things not to do in Japan video by Abroad in Japan on YouTube. It cover the basis.

    In Japan you try to not inconvenience other people, like don’t be loud in public places, for example it is not allowed to speak on the phone in train.

    Most common scam is touts trying to get you in place that will overcharge you if not spike your drink. Also do not accept free drink in big bar and club. Probably don’t go to a place if there is no price on the menu either.

  2. > I was wondering if anyone has any tips about navigating a Japanese airport (just in general since we don’t know if we’ll be landing in Haneda or Narita)

    All the airport signs are in English and they are very clear. You won’t get lost or anything. I would recommend getting off the plane and down to immigration as quickly as possible to avoid any lines. Don’t dawdle, don’t stop to use the bathroom, walk fast, etc. If you hurry, you can beat the 200 other people that are also getting off your plane (and others).

    > my very loud and obnoxious family

    They are definitely going to need to be quieter, or you’ll stand out/offend people/be rude. People talk at pretty quiet/reasonable levels in Japan, and you’ll quickly notice that anyone loud stands apart from the crowd.

  3. Google “tips for traveling abroad first time”. Lots of good advice that will prepare you for travelling internationally.

    You’re already fluent in English which sets you up to successfully navigate any airport in the world, Japan is no different. Just make sure you pay attention to signage/read carefully, and don’t blindly follow people.

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