Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 25 March 2024

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

by AutoModerator

  1. My residence card expires in two days.

    The renewal procedure got postponed because I had missing documents and had to resend some to the immigration, and that was over the deadline too because that took some time, but it’s *two days* before the expiration and I still haven’t received the notification card.

    What should I do? I already called them once informing that my documents would arrive late. Am I still allowed to be here at all after the expiry date?

    Edit: never mind I forgot my card should be extended by the time I went there for the first time

  2. So how strict are bus companies with the name on the ticket? I just realised I fucked up and put my first name as both my first name and last name.

  3. when quitting your job, do people working in Japanese companies normally give their coworkers some sort of parting gift or like a “i’m leaving, here’s some okashi please share” type of thing?

  4. Would three months be enough for job hunting? I’m thinking of giving three months notice at my current job but I don’t have a next one lined up yet. I work at a small eikaiwa, I have an N2 and also some working experience here in Japan in a sales role. Due to company restructuring and my apartment contract also expiring in three months I thought maybe it would be ideal to change jobs by the end of June.

  5. does the assistant manager want to fight me?

    she cant even do her job right yet she’s willing to spend so much time messing with me? purposely hiding information from me, excluding me out of the conversation, etc is so childish.

  6. Is the impression people have of what ADHD here is the most serious cases? (VS America where 13%~ of males are diagnosed with it)

    Went to an amusement park the other day and it said you may not be able to use this attraction if you have

    *Heart Problems
    *Under 140CM

    Have told people that I have ADD and they were like “really? I don`t think so”, because I`m able to sit still.

  7. How should I dry my clothes on this rainy day? Heater which will dry them but raise the humidity, or dehumidifier which makes the room even colder?

  8. So does PayPay allow you to verify the identity with a zairyu card? Because it only gives mynumber or driving license options in the application, and I have neither.

  9. I signed up for BigGlobe home wifi in august 2022, but I think I’d like to cancel it and use the provided default wifi by my apartment instead. will I generally incur penalty fees for doing so?

  10. What’s the best option currently for short-term home wifi? I just moved and we won’t be able to get internet installed for another ~3 weeks. I burned through all my mobile data today using my phone as a hotspot and now I’m getting throttled to basically nothing. We’ll probably go to an electronics store soonish and see what they have, but if anyone has any experience or recommendations I’d be glad to hear.

  11. What Japanese dishes can I eat if I can only eat pork and freshwater fish? Due to a surgery, I cannot eat beef, chicken, duck, seafood, soy sauce, and egg while my injuries are healing. Thank you!

  12. I know I gotta go to city hall for my address change but… can I go like a day earlier than when I technically move and do the paperwork? I live down the street from city hall at the moment and waiting until Monday/having to drive 25 minutes when its a 5 minute walk now would be mighty whack.

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