What activities could I do whilst Desk Warming?

Hello all,

* What activities do people do at their desks to pass the time, and how have co-workers responded around you?

Classic desk-warming-is-hard complaint, but I’ve found that I have far too much desk-warming time (this week, in total, I’ll have six classes, 1 a day but 2 were on Wednesday) has really ground me down to the bone. SHS too, so my visit school I see once or twice a month. This means I rarely have any classes throughout a week.

* What more could I do to make vacant desk-warming time bearable (beyond minesweeper, checking the news and reddit)?

I spend a lot of time writing – which is my hobby and hopefully will become a job after JET, if I’m lucky – and occasionally study Japanese. Recently, I’m so burnt out on both of these I’ll avoid doing any. Often, my supervisor will come over to ask – What is this you’re doing? and I’ll just say I’m writing or studying and he’ll just say ‘Cool,’ and bugger off back to his desk. I sneak away in the later periods to read books or study in the library, but I’ve found the mornings to be unbearably boring. I completed the lesson plans requested of me in my first two periods (they were literally just side-activities to accompany a classic text-book lesson) and now have no work to do until probably next week.

p.s. leaving in August

by EliteHazard

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