Too good for beginner course, what now?

So, I’m starting a year of work and travel in Japan on September 5th and I originally planned to do language school for the first month but the test I sent them apparently tells them I’m too good for beginner course (even though I really don’t feel that way, I’ve only been teaching myself for a year) and the next intensive/conversation course doesn’t start until October.

Now, I really want to start learning good conversational Japanese from day one, because I want to be fluent when the year is over (not gonna take any language tests though) so I’ve been looking for japanese-speaking tandem partners in Tokyo that wanna learn English or German, but it’s so difficult to find someone sincere (and not only because I’m a woman) — do any of you maybe have recommendations for apps or website I can try? Or maybe some other way how I can go about finding someone to practice conversational Japanese?

  1. Have you tried looking for other schools? Tokyo has quite a lot of them, so I’d be surprised if none of them had any intermediate courses in September. Also, the Genki schools have a concept where the offer conversation classes for all levels, including beginners (or at least they did when I was there in 2019). So if you don’t feel all that good, it might still be beneficial to enroll in an upper beginner conversation class.

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