People in managerial positions. Could you take paternity leave?

First, I’m well aware that by Japanese law companies can’t decline paternity leave from any full time worker, managerial position or not (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).

I’m curious to hear the reality of the situation, not just for foreign workers but your Japanese spouses.

Were they denied paternity leave or told they need to be demoted to take it?

In our case, my husband works for a foreign company in Japan and is in a managerial position. He says he can’t take any paternity leave and if he should push it, he’d need to be demoted a few ranks to regular seishain.

I’d grin and bear it but the situation is not easy as we are looking at a c-section delivery and recovery with no help, but a toddler for me (a stay at home mom) to take care of. I’m told I just need to be understanding as “it’s what it is”.

by RedKittyKatt

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