Glasses problems in Japan

Hi Reddit, I was hoping to get some advice on glasses here in Japan?

For context, my glasses prescription has changed, and I have struggled to get a pair that are comfortable to wear now for close to 6 months… I have had problems with both the prescription being incorrect, and the ergonomics of the frames themselves (which as being in Japan, are obviously more suited to typically Japanese facial features).

I have been to a few different glasses shops (Including JINS, Zoffs and Megane Ichiba), and have sadly had problems each time. My Japanese is currently not at a high enough level to convey the issues I’m facing to many of the staff, so it has been hard to find a pair that work… my current pair seem to be clear, but feel to be very off when in real life situations (e.g. when looking around feelings of sea sickness and an overall lack of focus tends to occur even after wearing them in).

Several times I have had to remind the staff to take multiple measurements which are fundamental to my prescription (including, but not limited to Astigmatism correction, Optical height and Back Vertex Distance) which have often been overlooked during the process in-store.

So in short, I would like to know the following:

1) Is there a glasses shop/Opticians in Japan which is more accustomed to more demanding prescription requirements (such as taking the aforementioned measurements)

2) Is there a glasses shop which is known to also stock frames more suited for typically ‘Western’ faces (eg with higher nosebridges)

Many thanks!

Tl;dr Foreigner having problems with glasses in Japan outlining problems they have faced and seeking advice

by Sakurathrowaway123

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