Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 26, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. In anime terms, does the term bishojo have a specific age range?

    I was wondering this about the term Bishojo. So about the 美少女? , I was curious on some points. I read Fairy Tail and there is one character(Lucy) whose 17 at the start and time passes and when it ends I believe their age is 20 or so. So I’ve seen figures of them here released after the series ends and they use the word Bishojo: 豊満ボディや美少女っぷりも再現!『フェアリーテイル』ルーシィがフィギュア「POP UP PARADE」シリーズに登場!逞しい体が魅力のグレイもチェック! | 電撃ホビーウェブ and here about them: 【フェアリーテイル】星霊を愛する美少女ヒロイン!ルーシィ・ハートフィリアの魅力10選! So I was wondering does it mean the character is not 20 and I was wrong about their age and all

  2. How do you say “bye” on an online meeting (zoom call or google meet) in Japanese? Let’s say I am meeting with a prospect (whom i want to sell to) or an existing client. Now sayonara cant be used because its kinda forever. I might have another call with them 3-4 days later or a week later. The call is ending. Now I need to say “bye”. What do i say before ending the zoom call?

  3. Looking for some help with parsing longer sentences. Using this as an example:


    Reading it over, without any commas, it’s a bit difficult to follow but I know sentences of these length or longer are common for written works. Is it a valid approach to try to break it down into smaller sentences, to understand them individually and then putting it together? E.g. 俺は降りる。人ごみに流されるよう。器用に進んで行く。

  4. How do I test review what I’ve already learned in a gamified way?

    I use:
    And once I’ve learned all the Hiragana and Katakana I’ll start using
    Genki Books

    I want to start reviewing what I’ve learned in a way like Duolingo. I’ve tried Quizlet but it’s too boring for me, and if I were to write, I forget what I even learned that day, and I don’t take it seriously and write 3 characters and that’s it. I want an app that shows me things I already know, and put in the answer, but subject isn’t specific to anything. I like the way Duo is structured, but I want something that is geared towards reviewing what I learned in a way like Duo does for teaching new things. I can’t find anything that fits this criteria.

    Background: I learned some very basic Japanese a few years ago and know basic phrases, but never learned Hiragana or Katakana. And I never tried to be serious about it and have a schedule for learning, unlike I do now. (Which is why I’m only now learning Hiragana and Katakana)

  5. Was reading some dialogue on genki 2 about the life of a university student where 入れて is used & I’m not sure of it’s meaning here. Can 入れる also mean “to pay”? Genki said 入れる means “to put something” or “to make coffee/tea, etc” , but I don’t think it means any of those 2 in this sentence


    Also, does 電気代 mean electricity bill?

  6. This is a question from a JLPT study book.


    The correct answer is (出席するにしろ欠席するにしろ). What’s wrong with (出席するにつけ欠席につけ)? 

  7. First time poster & japanese beginner here. I am looking for a way to get vocabulary really stuck into my mind.

    Context: i started learning japanese in September through duolingo, which i used till january, when i moved to Genki (im now in Lesson 6). I have been studying new vocabulary on genki, but when i hear the new words i sometimes/often dont get the meaning straightaway (its like i know that i have studied the Word, but i dont recognize what it means). This is a thing that didnt happen (or not as often) when i was using duolingo.

    I really hate the way duolingo introduces new grammar (and thats why i switched), but i think it does a preatty good job with vocabulary, as it costantly forces you to hear new words. Genki does also have audio content, but it is not as much present as duolingo. I think that this is the issue.

    Does anyone have/had the same issue i have? Can you suggest any resources to fix this? (Pls cheap ones, i have already spent too much money on the books 😔).

  8. ただの、おもしろオジサンとして接してたから、ちょっと反省するわ。

    Does this mean the speaker treated the listener as a funny uncly, or the Speaker was acting like a funny uncle towards the listener?

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