Tips for workplace conversations?

I managed to get a part time job in an office while studying Japanese, and while everyone is very kind and welcoming, my Japanese is certainly not at a communicative level. (N4 which I know is basically nothing)

At my job I usually just come in, do my job and go. Saying as little as I can and not bothering my coworkers. This isn’t due to me not *wanting* to speak with them, I just didn’t want to bother them with my piss poor Japanese ability. I know that this could come off as cold.

My coworkers are very kind and have engaged in some small talk with me, but I get so nervous and while I understand most of what they are asking me, when it comes my turn to respond I lose all vocabulary and just smile and nod like an idiot.

Any tips for how I can help show my coworkers I am not an aloof asshole? I want to be as open and welcoming of a coworker as I can, but I also don’t want to make anyone in the office have a hard time because of me. I thought about bringing in snacks and saying thanks for helping me with all this, but I am not sure if that is appropriate.

Of course the answer is study Japanese, which I am every day. I just am wondering if there are any tips or things I can do to help myself not appear so cold and standoffish. I am still new to office politics here so any and all office advice is appreciated.

I could be majorly overthinking this, but I like this job and would like to work here for a while. So building as many good connections as I can is important. Thanks!

by Under_Wrenovation

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