Hello, I plan on moving to Japan for a year on a Woking Holiday Visa and job-hunting while I’m there. I have an undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree in Music Business, so I am quite qualified and would preferably love some kind of music-related or creative job, but I am open to anything that would take me. I have plenty of experience in hospitality (restaurant and bar work, but I am aware you cannot do bar work on a Working Holiday Visa). I have facial piercings and tattoos on my hands and the back of my neck (as well as my arms and legs, but those can be covered). I know that this makes job-hunting much more difficult for me, and so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of job types or sectors that may not mind so much about my appearance? Or of any specific areas in Japan in which tattoos are more common/less of a problem?
What kinds of jobs do Japanese people with visible tattoos have?
I plan to have at least JLPT N3, hopefully N2, by the time of my arrival, so hopefully that will help too.
Any advice or knowledge is greatly appreciated, thank you 🙂
by Puzzleheaded-Ad4113