Yunyu Kakunin-Sho Deadline

Hey all,

I’m going to be studying abroad in Hirosaki for 6 months as a type 1 diabetic. All my paperwork is in order except my yunyu kakunin-sho. I know I know, I should’ve applied for it earlier- problem is, with my insurance being an absolute nightmare to work with I didn’t know how much of each kind of supply I’d be bringing with me, and I had to wait to see how much I’d be sent to declare it. At this point, they’ve seen my application (in less than 24 hours) and asked for a revision (an additional doctor’s note) which I supplied very quickly. My flight is on Tuesday morning, with me arriving in Tokyo Wednesday afternoon and I’m worried it won’t be back in time. I have quite a few supplies including an insulin pump and many vials of insulin. Rebooking my flight would be an exorbitant amount of money so I’m hoping to avoid that. My questions are twofold: what are the odds I get my yunyu kakunin-sho back before I arrive, and what should I do if it’s not back in time? If it matters, I’ll be flying into Narita. I’m under the impression bringing unapproved medical supplies can end in arrest so I imagine just showing up without it isn’t a great idea. Thanks for any and all advice, i usually like to have all my paperwork ready way early and I hate cutting it this close.

by Clear_Season_4495

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