Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 27, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. I’ve got a couple questions about some lines in Persona 5: Royal. The parts I’m struggling to understand are in bold:


    * いい情報見つけた。女王様イジメ。これ、洸星高校の生徒らしい。**M本って男子**が奴隷扱いで命令されてドM呼ばわり。

    This is the start of the conversation, no other context other than these messages come from the guy who’s scouting out “targets” (bad guys) for the main characters to confront. What is 本 doing here?? Is this short for M本という? That doesn’t make sense to me because the sentence ends with ドM呼ばわり…


    * とりあえず怪チャンには情報**求ムって**書いとく。

    ~~怪チャン is short for 怪盗団チャンネル, essentially a fansite for the main characters (the “Phantom Thieves” in the English translation). How is this supposed to be parsed, 「情報を求む」と書いておく? The lone katakana made this harder to read, maybe just because I haven’t come across 求む before but this one really threw me off.~~


    Edit: I think I figured out #2, 求むって (full hiragana) would read as the て-form of 求むる, but he wants the quotative particle って on the verb 求む (→ 求ム).

  2. Ran into this sentence:
    Why isn’t it:

    Or are both acceptable? Do they emphasize different things? Thanks!

  3. Currently going through minna no nihongo with no issues regarding learning grammar/practice questions/review.

    I’m trying to get into the habit of thinking in japanese however I find it quite difficult when trying to say what x sentence would be like in japanese.

    E.g. I can read a sentence and understand it, but coming up with that same sentence from my head takes significantly longer.

    Should I be doing more in regards to active recall/spaced repetition? Any tips on how I should progress? Thanks

  4. みんな行けって言うから来ました

    Why does this translate into “I came because everyone told me to go?”

    I cannot see where in the sentence is “told me to”

  5. # Am I qualified to teach Japanese?

    I’ve passed N1 with full marks. And currently a third year student in a Japanese university taking my courses in Japanese. I can speak fluently and have decent intonation. ( Japanese people are often surprised when I tell them I’m not Japanese so I hope its decent.)

    I would love to teach Japanese to someone 1 on 1 and earn some spending money but I’m not sure if I am qualified and don’t know how to get students.

    I would like you guys’ input on this. Thank you very much and if I am in the wrong subreddit for this question I apologize and a pointer to the right one would be much appreciated.

  6. So i’m watching the Japan Society lessons on youtube

    The video for verbs (nomimasu, tabemasu, mimasu, and kikimasu) goes into how to use them

    I was wonder if was correct to say 僕がラーメンを食べます (i am eating ramen)? Boku ga is i am, ramen, then tabemasu which is to eat? I mainly just trying to work with the very very miniscule knowledge to form a basic sentence

    I am just a noobie, basically have only learned the main Katakana and all of hiragana(using Tofugu) and working on the beginner kanji on WaniKani at this point and trying to break into grammer and vocabulary and actually start learning how to read and speak.

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