Former Employer Paying My Residence Tax Ahead of Time for Me

This is not so much a “cry for help” as a hope to satisfy my own curiosity.

I am in the process of (amicably) leaving my current employer. As part of the “offboarding” process, my company has told me that they need to pay my outstanding residence tax through May of this year ahead of time, and will do so by withholding that amount from my final paycheck.

While I am in no way financially burdened by this, I was just wondering if someone more well-versed in residence tax procedures could enlighten me as to why this is. I am planning to leave Japan sometime this year, and I was under the impression that once I leave my current company, I would begin to personally pay my residence tax out of pocket commensurate with my earnings from last year.

1. Does my company stating that they will pay my residence tax through May indicate that I am only on the hook for paying residence tax through May, or do I need to pay on my own for residence taxes from June through December (as I suspect)?
2. Is the fact that my company is paying my taxes for me just them being nice, or is there some legal obligation on their part?

by nisenihonjin1

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