60% in Japan don’t like cherry blossom viewing with colleagues, call events ‘work’: survey

60% in Japan don’t like cherry blossom viewing with colleagues, call events ‘work’: survey

by Ready373

  1. why hang out with coworkers in my work persona if I’m not gonna get paid for it honestly?

  2. 40% people have no ploblem with sucking colleagues’ dick while wasting precious holiday? what?

  3. Ours like most companies do this during the work week, so technically we’re getting paid to attend.

  4. I genuinely don’t mind watching cherry blossoms with the people in my office. I like practically everyone, and my company pays for everything. We also choose a location near my house every year.

    Free food, free booze, when I’m tired I go home. If I bring my son, he is a perfect excuse to leave.

    I understand that many don’t have this luxury, but I believe that if more firms started covering the entire cost of food and drinks, or paying their staff for a half day. People would be much more excited to go this way.

  5. If you have to tell someone to be somewhere, and they have to go, then you should have to pay them and its work. I know this is a controversial position for Japan but it seems pretty clear to me.

    Might be work in a beautiful place, and you might have fun co-workers, but its still work if you have no choice.

  6. Honestly, most of us are forced to spend most of our lives working where we have no choice over who we talk to every day. We also however get free time where we can make our own choices and choose who exactly we spend time with and what we do.

    Personally, I cannot imagine ANYTHING more sad than actively choosing to do something with my work colleagues outside of work time when I spend the majority of my time with them anyway.

    We get one life haha, ONE.

    I like my colleagues and see them sometimes outside of work, but all together as a work thing on a day off? absolutely fuck that noise.

    (Look how passionate about this I am!)

  7. I like hanging out with most of my colleagues, and those that don’t, don’t hang out. It’s not like it’s a requirement to hang out after work.

  8. My company was planning a hanami picnic. It’s optional, but if we don’t want to go we’ll need to work. We need to bring our own food and snacks but booze will be provided.

    Naturally all my colleagues are excited to go drinking at the park and get paid for it as if it was a work day, and we’re also excited for the nijikai.

  9. I resent this forced socialization in both the US and Japan.
    If the company is trying to boost moral, do team building or improve relations with the end goal of improving work efficiency, then they should be paying me to do it. Just because it’s “fun” doesn’t mean the company isn’t trying to use my time to improve its own performance. They should pay for everything AND an hourly wage on top.

    The fact that in Japan they usually pay for booze but not food makes me even angrier since I don’t drink.

  10. To be fair, the weather is typically unpleasant with cold temperatures, blistering wind, and sometimes rain. I would prefer a similar event in May.

  11. I’m very lucky to be apart of the 40% thet doesn’t consider it work. I really enjoys my boss and coworkers.

  12. Since I moved for work, the only people I ever socialize with are my coworkers. Which is fine honestly, I get along well enough with them, my friends are mostly back in the city.

    I don’t honestly love hanami though. The first years I was into it, but I am mostly over it at this point. I don’t mind walking through a park during the season, it IS beautiful, but the drinking party bit is just overdone.

  13. Anyone know the numbers as to how many companies do this during work hours? The one Japanese company i know of that did hanami viewing did it during work hours, and some people in the comments are saying that’s how most do it.

  14. lol I talked with my wife about this and she said it’s more likely that 60% just hate their coworkers haha

    And I mean she has a point

    My last company was awesome and I would love to go to Hanami with them

  15. Lol work is work, socializing is something i do with people that i choose myself.

  16. I’m sure 60% would be fine viewing cherry blossoms with coworkers after getting blasted off 7 Sapporos

  17. I always feel sorry for the poor bugger who drew the short straw so that they have to go to the park super early to reserve a spot.

  18. I’d be more interested in a survey that looked at the percentage of upper management people who find this surprising.

  19. Unsurprising. People are able to anonymously voice their displeasure with traditions from generations they don’t belong to. Just hope to see action in person about it, like just not attending because its a waste of your time.

  20. Everything is work when it involves colleagues. It’s the same everywhere.

  21. My workplace did a ‘end of year trip’ where they wanted me to take two days of work off and go out with my coworkers, out of my own pocket too. 

    I obviously said no because yikes so yea I feel this 

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