Applying for the work visa from the student visa after graduation

Hello, everyone.

I’m currently a third year PhD student at a university in Tokyo, but some time ago I decided that it would be better for me to do job hunting instead of finishing my thesis. I found a company that agreed to hire me, applied for 満期修了退学 and I officially end my studies on March 31st.

And here’s the thing: it took quite a long time for the company to make a decision to hire me, and then it took another three weeks to prepare working contract and other documents, and I stil don’t have them yet. They asked me to come to their office in a couple of days to finalize the formalities, so at least I know I’ll get some things figured out soon.
I really hope I’ll be able to apply for the visa this week, but taking how long it took for a company to prepare other documents, I’m not sure if it’ll be the case.

I know that during two weeks after my graduation I’ll need to inform the immigration office that I’m not longer a student, and here comes my question:
**Is it ok to apply for a work visa during this period of two weeks? Or maybe I should inform them first and then apply when I’ve got all my documents?**
Also, the student office says that it could be better to apply for a designated activities visa first, and they are preparing documents for it, but I’m afraid that applying for it from April and then applying for the work visa right away will unnecessarily complicate the whole process.

I informed the company about this and they know that I want to apply for the visa before April, but who knows how much time it will take in the end.

I guess I could also ask the Immigration Bureau about that, but I won’t be able to go there untul Wendesday, so I decided to ask here first.

I’ll be glad to hear other people’s experiences.

by hoshizoraakari

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