this was good. from last week. 100 pieces for one hungry man

this was good. from last week. 100 pieces for one hungry man

  1. I’m allergic to sushi; every time I eat more than 80 pieces, I throw up.

  2. Why is everything covered in Mayo? This is how I know it’s a white American order

  3. I’d be so worried about the mercury levels haha but maybe I’m just jealous

  4. nice.. But if its me afterwards will get sugar rush all 100 pcs sushi

  5. I am so jealous. Its expensive as hell where I live. 100 pieces is a distant dream.
    Our all you can eat restaurants suck. Even for 30$ all you can eat I’d get bored..

    Quality AND quantity

  6. i did not ask for extra mayo, they just placed it there.

    my favorite comment is the one about me being a white american… i currently reside in the swedish woods hahah!

    also yes its just a bit of the hundred piece, the nigiri platter wasn’t pictured, i don’t eat out a lot so when i do I GO ALL OUT.

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