Just passed the N2 – Here’s a tool I built to target my weak points

TLDR: I made an online tool you can use to make Duolingo-like games to practice kanji reading, kanji recognition, vocab, and verb conjugations using whatever Japanese content you find online. You can [try it here](https://www.roshi.ai/activities?target_language=ja).


Hi everyone,


If you’re active on r/languagelearning, then you may have seen the “Duolingify” tool [I shared recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/wehcrs/duolingify_turn_anything_online_into_a_language/). A lot of people requested I add Japanese, so I’ve just done so.


I also built in something that I’d made for myself a while ago and been using to prepare for the JLPT. It’s a way to automatically generate kanji questions from whatever text or web page you provide it. It can do either of the following:


\- Hide kanji in a text and test you on the reading

\- Show the reading of a kanji in a text and test you on the kanji (using similar-looking kanji as choices)


I’m working on more features, such as:

\- Manual text input for answers

\- Ways to target the specific kanji to practice


But first I’d like to get feedback on this early version, so please [try it](https://www.roshi.ai/activities?target_language=ja) and let me know what you think!

1 comment
  1. The idea is super awesome, but the result is not working. The sentences it’s making from a [real Japanese article](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220807/k10013758021000.html) are full of grammar errors. It gave me this sentence for example when I did a vocab quiz:


    The real sentence is this:


    Obviously, it was having me fill in the first half of the word 立ち上げました, except…it flipped the word so it was 上げ立ちました… (and that’s not the only grammar error)

    I repeated it on the same article three times, and all three times I got a similar sentence to that top one.

    Is your tool trying to recreate similar sentences to what’s in the article or is it supposed to just use the sentences as is? Because even with machine learning where it is, I’m not sure creating sentences is going to get you accurate enough grammar to be a reliable study tool.

    Another issue, despite being for Japanese, some of the possible answers are not Japanese. I got Koln a couple times, once a string of numbers, and once an acronym.

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