Help me create the best Itinerary for me and my wife’s first visit to Japan.

Hello everyone! Me and my wife are having a Japan trip! It’s been my dream trip since i was a kid and we are finally doing it in 2025. (I know it sounds very far down the road but considering this is a very big and expensive trip for us coming from Greece i want everything to be smooth).

So the general idea is that we are gonna do the Golden Route with some extra visits in between.

Day 1 : Arrive Tokyo (evening arrival). Settle down, grab some food and sleep. (Flight is like 20hours so yeah not much we can expect for that first day).

Day 2 : Asakusa – Senso Ji – Ueno Park. Planning on staying in that side of the town and explore on foot.

Day 3 : Meiji Temple – walk around getting lost in Tokyo shops and food places. Shibuya cross and Shibuya Sky in the afternoon.

Day 4 : Morning train to Kamakura. Visit the Buddha and the temple. Afternoon train to Yokohama, grab some food in Chinatown then back to Tokyo.

Day 5 : Early Tokyo to Kanazawa Shinkasen. Spend the day in the classic Samurai District and Chaya District, then take evening train to Kyoto, go to hotel and sleep.

Day 6 : Morning Miyomizudera then do Kimono Renting and photos. Free day to explore downtown Kyoto.

Day 7 : Morning Inari Fushimi then Kinkaku-Ji and free evening again.

Day 8 : Train to Nara. Explore Nara Park and Todaji. Main Nara street for some Mochi. Evening train to Osaka and sleep.

Day 9 : Osaka Castle early then free morning. Visit Namba Yasaka Shrine and head to downtown Osaka for Photography.

Day 10 : Early train to Tokyo. Akihabara and more shopping. (Free Day).

Day 11 : Flight

This is the basis we are working with. Ideally i would like to stretch the trip to 13 Days to include Hiroshima day trip from Kyoto (No Miyajima) and maybe Hakone. As you’ve seen im taking it relatively easy on major attractions and focusing more on the general area of visit because we like being spontaneous and we hate rushing stuff. I also plan on Vlogging the whole travel so we can keep these memories forever and share. Would also like to hear feedback regarding classic japanese plays in Kyoto. Thank you!

by G2GreekFan

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