G1 Climax 32 Standings Going Into Night 16

G1 Climax 32 Standings Going Into Night 16

  1. Goto will be eliminated by EVIL and Tanahashi will be eliminated by KENTA.

    JONAH will be eliminated by Fale.

    Finlay will be eliminated by YOSHI-HASHI after Ospreay beats YOSHI-HASHI and Shingo Takagi will beat Yujiro Takahashi.

    Jay White will beat Taichi.

    Cobb will win his last two but lose out due to his tiebreaker defeat to Okada who will beat Archer on the final night and progress to the semis.

    Okada will face White in the semi finals as he will steal a win over Tama to go 6-0.

    Ospreay will beat Juice only for Takagi to beat ELP and progress to the semis via tiebreaker over Ospreay.

    Naito will beat ZSJ in the main event of the final night and face Takagi in the semi finals.

    In the first semi final Naito will beat Takagi and in the second semi final Okada will get his win back over White.

    The final will be Okada vs Naito where Naito wins.

    The only things I’m not confident about are Takagi winning D Block instead of Ospreay and Cobb being alive on the final night.

  2. I think Okada had A Block by the balls to start off with and he’s going to prove me right and pretty handily win the block

    They’re setting up this Tama win so much that I want to buy it. And I think I am going to buy it. Take him deep into the waters after White beats Taichi and just needs a draw to make it through the block, but Tama catches him at the 29th minute.

    Pretty obviously setting up the Naito win in the C Block. EVIL beats Goto, KENTA beats Tanahashi, Naito beats ZSJ and moves on due to the tiebreaker

    They have put in way too much effort to not have the D block end in a seven-way tie.

    Shingo beats Yuj
    Ospreay beats YOSHI
    YOSHI beats Finlay
    ELP beats Shingo
    Juice beats Ospreay

    All seven participants with six points. I really wonder what NJPW will handle this. Gauntlet? Seven way elimination or sudden death? All seven of them move on to semi final vs Naito?

  3. We could get our first semi-finalist tonight – Yujiro!

    Obviously he’s going to defeat Shingo, and if YOSHI-HASHI wins against Ospreay, Yujiro will wrap-up the group.

    As Yujiro’s match is first, all the HoT have to do is attack YOSHI-HASHI during his match, causing Ospreay’s disqualification.

    All aboard the Tokyo Pimp’s Ho Train!

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