Japan begins 3-month energy-saving period to conserve electricity

Japan begins 3-month energy-saving period to conserve electricity


  1. How about starting with all those refrigerated vending machines in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

  2. I wonder if Yodobashi and the like will still be running thousands of TVs, fans, lights, PCs etc. All day, every day.

  3. What I find mind-boggling and have seen at two workplaces and some customer offices, is that people have the aircon on full blast while having an open window for hours.

    Edit: Sidenote – This was already before Corona

  4. Ngl the sooner they bring the Nuclear plants back online the better.

    Kinda want to find the person who said getting rid of the plants wouldn’t hurt a soul because “We HaVe SwEaT gLaNdS” and show them just how many people are dying from heat stroke.

  5. I will welcome dark nights like after 3.11.

    No outside signs, no stupid messages on loop, just quietness and darkness…

  6. Turn off even half of the fluorescent lighting in offices and schools that are unnecessary? I left all my lights off in class today and nobody even said anything. We’re a school not a fucking Super Tamade.

  7. It’s time for a government sponsored, nation wide education campaign about the concept of insulation.

  8. I’m sure this involves putting all the crazy bright signs in Tokyo, Sapporo, etc on an on/off schedule, right?

    Or are they just asking residents to sleep in 90+ degree temperatures?

  9. No joke Japan’s edgy new policies always seem like things 6 year olds would dream up for their primary school’s model United Nations homework.

  10. How much of this is due to pressure from energy execs with whom politicians are in bed, I wonder. I’m not saying turning on plants isn’t a good idea, but I get the impression this is just part of some tepco campaign to garner support for the idea.

  11. I propose Japanese to harvest the combined energy of its population over the age of 65. That should be enough to support the energy crisis here.

  12. Maybe Japan’s declining population will help in the future. I looked up how much hydro they have, I’m surprised it’s only 50GW capacity. But then I remembered how overpopulated Japan is. If they turned the nuclear plants back on they could reduce their [fossil fuel usage a lot](https://ourworldindata.org/energy/country/japan).

  13. Americans have no concept of conservation. We want everything we want, whenever we want it. Gas prices too high? Don’t carpool or drive less, just complain about gas prices. The Japanese have a more collective society mentality that says “this is a tough period of time, let’s band together and do what we can to fix it.”

  14. I was doing this since the beginning of the pandemic and got made fun of for acting poor. There’s at least 12 hours of daylight though.

  15. Yet another illustration of how the corporate-owned government stooges shift the blame for industrial waste onto the consumer. All the households in the entire country turning off their unnecessary lights don’t even amount to a tenth of how much power is consumed by manufacturing. (This is analogous to the farce that is consumer recycling, water consumption, air pollution, etc.)

    Force major corporations to invest in more efficient technology/processes under threat of *meaningful* penalties, and there will be an immediate improvement in every aspect of life.

    Of course, this is a fantasy. We all know that our governments have long since been completely co-opted by limitless corruption.

  16. is that why there is no AC running inside buses? biggest mistake of mine the other day opting for a bus ride over train, guess i’ll have to stick to my 18-minute walk hell to the station

  17. Lots of stores around where I live have been turning off sections of lights in the stores. FRom the combinis to the big supermarkets. At least they haven’t turned down the AC.

  18. Noticed while driving around last night that the lights in all the tunnels near me were turned off except a few at the entrance and exit. Decorative lighting along bridges was also turned off.

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