Sorry to ask advice about divorce (as an American)

I will keep this simple. I’m American, my wife is Japanese. We got married in America (Ohio) but have been in Japan for nearly 2 years. I decided to divorce for many reasons. I understand things from the Japan side, and we are looking to do the kyogi rikon route to avoid wasting money on lawyers. However, I do not know if I can get this sort of marriage recognized back home. I know it varies state by state and wasn’t even certain how it works to file when we have been living abroad for so long. I have been searching but haven’t quite gotten any clear answers yet.

So my questions are for anyone who has experience with this sort of thing.

Will I have to file for divorce in the last state we resided in? And if so does anyone know if Ohio will recognize a kyogi rikon? Or do we have to bite the bullet and just get a lawyer and go through chotei rikon to have it recognized back home?

by Disastrous-Farm3543

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