Looking for Hiking options in Japan

Hi everybody nice looking community you guys have here!

So yeah like the title says I would love to go to Japan, visit Tokyo, Kyoto, etc. but at heart I’m a hiker and have always been one (for the 22 years that my life is long anyway). I’m on a 30+day hike right now and I started dreaming of Japan again.

So I started looking into some hiking I could do before I would visit the traditional list of places but have been bummed out a bit. It seems most of the hiking activities are day hikes or maybe 7 day trails (which will do if there is nothing else of course). I also found the shikoku pilgrimage (1200km) which sounded nice but after some inspection it turned out that 80% of it is on paved roads so yeah not for me (also I don’t know I comfortable I would be in doing a pilgrimage for a faith I don’t really believe in).

So do any of you guys have hiking experience in Japan? Or do you know of any trails (I’m literally good with any of the main islands, the trip would be part of a sort of world trip after graduating college so I will be having time enough to travel around and hike)? Maybe even some personal experience?

Even if you know nothing thanks for reading and have a nice day!

  1. I’ve not done it myself but the Michinoku Coastal Trail is probably the the closest thing to what you’re talking about. Assuming you’re from the US though, you probably have to lower your expectations slightly if you’re expecting proper wilderness and really long trails in Japan though. There’s plenty of shorter trails which are great though, the Northern Alps Traverse, Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse etc.

  2. This is probably amateur hour for someone with your experience, but I hiked Mt. Misen on Itsukushima back in 2017. It was magical.

  3. I’m afraid you will not likely find any Appalachian Trail equivalent hiking trails for a couple of reasons:

    * camping outside designated areas (huts, campsites) is illegal in Japan – and in national parks and quasi-national parks can get you into major trouble;
    * Japan’s mountains and forests oustide designated hiking routes require major mountaineering gear and skills and they cover 75%+ of the country

    I presume that by a 7-day trail you mean Omine Okugake-michi, which is no walk in the park, as it requires almost perfect weather to complete and carrying food for 7+ days. It’s worth noting that outside a typical hiking windows (Golden Week to late May and late October to mid November) – you may not encounter any human beings for large stretches of the route.

    A satellite phone is recommended for safety reasons, but it’s also worth noting that outside typical hiking windows/times – Japanese authorities may choose not to launch rescue operations.

    Even Kohechi, which is a shorter (4-day) and somewhat more forgiving trail (as in there are some places, where you can go off the actual trail and find a *minshuku*) outside the main hiking seasons is considred fairly dangerous and there are some fatalities every couple of years.

  4. Just north of Kyoto there is an incredible temple on Mt. Kurama. It is a steep trek up the mountain side through the temple complex, stunning all the way. Once at the top you can take a different route down through the forest to a neighboring community.

    Then if time and budget allows, there is the incomparable Yakushima Island. The most incredible hiking experiences of my entire life.

    Much better known is the Fushimi Inari shrine outside of Kyoto. Every one knows it of course, and it was quite crowded up until the halfway turn around point…. but beyond it was practically deserted and hiking all the way to the top was otherworldly.

    Happy trails!

  5. [Japan’s ultimate Alps hike: The Kamikochi-Yari-Hotaka Circuit

    [The Northern Japanese Alps](https://hikesinjapan.yamakei-online.com/area/10.php)

    [The Southern Japanese Alps](https://hikesinjapan.yamakei-online.com/area/12.php)


    [The Japan Alps Guide Center](https://thejapanalps.com/en/)

    [5 Hikes in the Japanese Alps Perfect for a Weekend Getaway](https://www.tokyoweekender.com/2022/07/5-japan-hikes-japanese-alps/)

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