How is Japanese view about someone going to a psychiatrist?

Related to my previous post about getting a zoloft in Japan,
The truth is even though my job is stresful for me, I have a very nice Shachou.

She’s a middle age lady who always help her staffs with going monthly shopping, looking for necessities (like when I need Denki moufu or nagagutsu for the winter), and going to the doctor.

She does that because she cares and the fact that none of her staff has vehicles other than bicycles.

Now, I’m thinking of asking her to take me to a doctor so I can get my zoloft, but of course she will ask in detail (because she cares about her staffs) about what my health issue is and if I explain that I need a psychiatric medicines, I’m worried about what she will think of me.

I’m kinda hesitant to go by myself because I don’t know a good mental health clinic, if it’s far then I couldn’t reach it, and I will need help like translating what I wanna say to the doctor and vice versa. So the only logical way is to ask her help.

FYI, I have told her that I will not continue my contract and will go back home in June, so it’s not like I’m afraid of losing my job.
I’m just worried about how she will view me as a person, like I’m weak or crazy or something.

Is there anyone who can give your view regarding this matter?

Thank you for reading me ranting about my problem.

by Noobmortal

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