Following up an interview beyond the thank-you email

Couldn’t find a relevant post in my search, so here goes:

I’ve recently had interviews at a Japanese company, during which I was encouraged to ask questions about the role or the company in general by email while I wait for further contact from the company. Now, I have plenty of questions but I don’t want to be presumptuous or annoying, and it’s quite uncommon in my professional experience that such an email would even take place while waiting for the company to complete interviews with other candidates. However, I do also see the merit in doing so: it shows enthusiasm, initiative, and inquisitiveness, which could set me apart from the other candidates. Further, given that they’ve potentially hinted that I *should* send a follow-up email, I don’t want to be left out in the cold by missing these hints.

What’s the best way to approach this situation? I’ve researched the role and have plenty of good and not-overly-intrusive-or-presumptuous questions in hand, but I’m not sure a.) whether to send a follow up email or just wait for them to contact me or b.) if I’m sending such an email, when to send it? After a week? Two?

Quick edit: Posting on a new account for anonymity.

by jobHunter9001

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