Bi-Weekly Boss Premium Edition Questions Thread – 24 August 2022

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. What’s the deal with so many people, who keep their umbrellas up even in the shade, under tunnels, etc? Have they just not noticed where they are? Or is there a good reason to do it?

    I’ve noticed it before, but yesterday was walking along a shady street for about 5 minutes nehind a lady with an umbrella and wondering if it wouldn’t be easier to fold it up for a while

  2. I have 2 questions:

    – I’m kinda interested in hitchhiking in September since I have a somewhat long holiday (just wanna try it cuz why not) anybody tried it recently? I did research about it and watched videos about a guy hitchhiking from Kyushu to Hokkaido but it was years ago but it looks kinda safe.

    – my friends unfortunately won’t be able to go with me to lady Gaga concert on September 3rd, anybody wanna group up and go together? (I know, weird request/question 😃) I’m a dude btw

  3. When writing a Japanese resume as a non-native speaker, should I write it in my level of Japanese (n2) or have it written by a native speaker?

    I feel like I’m lying about my level if I have it written/re-written in perfect Japanese. Thoughts? Opinions? Thanks a lot !

    Context: I’m looking into other jobs now (looking to get out of English teaching) and I want to make a Japanese resume, mainly jobs such as localization/translation etc that require Japanese resumes.

    (Edited for clarification and or typos )

  4. I have a few questions this round.

    1) Has someone been in this situation? Is maternity leave paid up until the end of your contract or for the full 8 weeks if it falls after the end of your contract? Baby’s due date is March 16, my contract ends March 31st. Will I be paid maternity leave up until March 31st or until Mid- May? I have paid into unemployment insurance for more than 1 year without any gaps. I won’t have a job after March 31st so I’m trying to plan finances way ahead in anticipation of baby.

    2) On that note, which online English lesson place is best for some freelancing/money on the side. I’ve heard of italkie but does anyone have a steady stream of students on there? I have a masters and some certificates. Any others you recommend?

    3) Do you always get a phone call when your PR application is being processed? I haven’t received any phone calls since I submitted so wondering if that is usual since I almost always hear people get phone calls from immigration regarding their PR application.

  5. My current girlfriend is Japanese, and she’s turning 31.

    I didn’t want to take her out anywhere, with COVID being at its peak, but more than anything, I’m so exhausted.

    Anyway, birthday celebrations seem important to her, so I reserved a 11,000 yen course in French restaurant called Mutekiro, asked for a birthday dessert plate and all.

    I also bought her a gift, but it’s just a 3,000 yen handy fan, because I knew she wanted one and couldn’t think of anything else to give her. I’m starting to think maybe it’s better not to give her such a small present as a birthday gift, I can just give it later as a normal gift or just return it. What should I do?

    I need some opinions, especially from the point of view of women of that age. Is this enough? Am I being a cheap bastard?

  6. Anyone know what the most recent sets of the Pokemon TCG are, and can recommend any places where you can buy packs easily/cheaply in Tokyo? Japanese names would be helpful so I know what to look for.

    I got a request from an aunt to get some Japanese packs for a young cousin as an omiyage. I play Magic so I am not completely clueless but I don’t play the game personally. He’s still young so I’m not worried about competitive play or anything, but if there is anything cool that can only be bought in Japan that would be ideal. I can walk into Yodobashi or a card store in Baba and pick stuff at random and he’d probably still love it, but some pointers would be appreciated.

    Shinjuku would be preferred but anywhere within bike range is fine.

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