What does なんですけど mean here?

Ive had a hard time getting these parts and they keep appearing in this text. Thanks!








  1. なんです is just なのです, which is adding emphasis or explanatory tone. What is likely tripping you up is the definition of けど in dictionaries as *but / although*.

    In addition to connecting contrasting ideas, が and けど are often used to add context to what you’re about to say. In that use case it can have a similar function to から / ので.

    [Some more detailed reading about けど](https://cotoacademy.com/why-%E3%81%91%E3%81%A9-kedo-and-%E3%81%8C-ga-doesnt-just-mean-but-japanese/)

  2. な connects to the noun or keiyoudoushi (na-adjective) that precedes it. It is essentially だ, but conjugated into rentaikei (連体形).

    ん is short for の (explaining something or asking for an explanation)

    です is the copula “is”

    けど “but” or “filler” as explained by other folks here

    Think of なんです and なんだ as like an invisible emphasis/explanatory marker.

    >As for the image conjured when I hear “poison oak” or “poison ivy,” it (the image conjured) is like such things as hiking in the mountains, but…

    中 is a noun, so it is followed by な before ん/の. ん here is bringing emphasis to / explaining the clause ハイキングなどをする山の中(だ).

    You also have an example with a na-adjective (and noun):

    >That is characteristic, but…

    特徴 is a feature/characteristic (noun); 特徴な is characteristic/distinctive (adjective). ん is bringing emphasis to / explaining the clause それが特徴(だ).

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