HSP Visa questions

In a previous post I mentioned I got a job offer, that after careful consideration, and consulting with several people who either work in Japan, or work in recruitment in Japan, I decided to accept the offer.

The company is very willing to do everything in their power to sponsor my visa, initially they were thinking to get me a CoE for a regular work visa, but I told them I fulfill all the requirements to get a HSP:

– PhD degree: 30 points
– PhD obtained from a top 100 university according to all the rankings: 10 points
– Annual Income: 25 points
– Age: 5 points
– JLPT N2: 10 points

80 points

They seem to be on board with the idea, but apparently have never sponsored someone through that visa scheme (only regular work visas), it seems they’re not so sure about the procedure and main differences compared to a regular visa, what are the main differences between both visas, from a sponsor standpoint? What do they need to do differently?

Also, I received an email in which they asked if I need some sort of document to apply for it (after getting my CoE I guess), to which I was planning to reply something in the line of “yes I need a document that proves my expected annual income” does this document need to follow a specific format or template? Or have some sort of specific information about the company? Is it enough if they just mention the company name, address, that I accepted a job offer from them at certain date, and will make X amount of money? I assume the document needs to be signed or something, right?

Many thanks in advance!

by MerryStrawbery

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