Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 30, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. context: someone who isn’t good at cooking calls his friend up to ask for help cooking something and he’s thinking this:

    > やはり、その手の相談はプロを頼るに限るだろう。

    I was wondering what is 手の相談 hand consultation? I think this overall means something like, “As you would think, you should turn to a pro for this kind of consultation”

  2. context: A grandma is trying to explain the job of her adult son and she goes:


    I think the part がどうとかこうとかいう means something like “called this or that somehow”, but I’m not sure. How this is break down and what does it mean exactly?

  3. Is 「今日、のりおさんは新しいTシャツを着ています。」an incorrect translation of “Norio is wearing a new T-shirt today.”?

    Genki says that the correct answer is 「のりおさんは今日新しいTシャツを着ています。」

  4. 似たり寄ったりな(の)出来ばえ ([goo](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E4%BC%BC%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A%E5%AF%84%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8A/))

    If I had to guess what part of speech a たり phrase is going to be, I’d generally guess “スル verb”, but is this phrase just a special case where it’s considered a 形容動詞? Or perhaps are たり phrases actually all 形容動詞・名詞+スル? Also, I notice that goo doesn’t mark it as a スル verb so actually する would be ungrammatical?

  5. here’s how i know i am highly regarded.

    1. I use highly regarded as code

    2. I have 520 hours of Japanese Anki. Maybe there are people out there with more time, but what i’m concerned with is the time-to-word learned ratio. i have learned about 4-6k words. i’ve heard tell again and again of hitting the legendary 10k word milestone, and if i extrapolate (as I do so love to do) I’ll need 1000 hours of Anki before I get to 10k words. Isn’t it just too much Anki? Am I alone in how freakin’ slow I am? Has anyone else needed to log 1k hours of Anki to get that legendary 10k words?

  6. Hello! Could someone answer a question for me – I want to start shadowing but I am really confused about whether I am meant to just repeat what I hear if I am meant to repeat what I hear and also read the English subtitles. Like am I supposed to know what they are saying or just get a feel of patterns of speech?

  7. Does anyone have any experience attending full-time language school in the Kansai area? I’m working on combing through old reddit posts for info but a lot is 5+years old. I’d love to hear about people’s experiences!

  8. I found 2 instances of this construction: “aketara soko”, I don’t know what soko is doing there.

    The instances are

    “doa aketara soko kara yume ga mawaridasu tsuite kite”
    “Mado o sukoshi dake aketara soko ni wa omae no egao ga nagarete yuku”

    Please help me understand what soko is doing in these examples.

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