Seeking Advice for Summer Research Internship in Kyoto University (KU-STAR Program)

Hi everyone! So I’ve been recently selected for a summer research internship program at Kyoto University in 2024. This opportunity is incredibly exciting for me, but as someone who’s never been to Japan before, I could really use some advice and tips from those familiar with Kyoto or Japan in general. These were some of the doubts that I had-

1. What’s the best way to travel to Kyoto University from the airport? Are there any transportation passes or cards I should consider getting for getting around the city?
2. How expensive is it to live in Kyoto for two months? What are the typical costs for accommodation, food, transportation, etc.? Any budgeting tips would be greatly appreciated.
3. I’ve heard that summers in Japan can be quite hot and humid. Can anyone confirm what the weather is like in Kyoto during this time of year and how to prepare for it?
4. For those who have participated in similar research programs, what are the typical working hours like? Are weekends typically off, or are there any cultural norms I should be aware of regarding work-life balance?

Additionally, if anyone has any general advice or recommendations for things to do, places to visit, or cultural etiquette, I should be mindful of while in Kyoto, I would love to hear them!


by doomsday746

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