So pretty much that yeah. I’ve gone 6 years here without encountering any outwardly racist tirades… end of an era I guess.
I was waiting for a friend at the station, next to Marui department store, nothing out of ordinary, lots of people going in and out of the station premises and shops, also lots of people waiting at different corners, some next to Seijo ishi, some next to the ticket gates, near the escalator etc.
Lady in question walks past me mumbling something and my focus shifts to her, she’s looking at me and I catch “kitanai gaijin, mise no mae tattenjyanae, baka nano? Bakayaro busaiku mesu ga” lol
I was not in front of the store gates btw.
I was staring at her in disbelief all the while, and she continues walking forward while looking back at me, and what she said next honestly made me laugh, lol, it was so unexpected. She goes “debu ni pinku niaimasen” lmao yes I was wearing a pink sweater. She screams “debu debu” a couple of times more and finally walks off. I’m 153 cms and weigh 45 kg for the record.
I was sort of chortling at the absurdity of this the entire time, so that probably pissed her off more.
Went home and told my friends about it, had a good laugh. Never a dull day.
by riri0301