Should I drop my anki kanji isolation deck and focus on just vocabulary deck?

Hey guys. So im currently using an anki addon that looks at a vocubalary deck, takes all the kanji from that deck, and then creates another deck full of kanji, and its radicals. The addon itself is very useful, as it breaks down the kanji, has the possible the kunyomi an onyomi, links to the dictionary of that kanji, and has different Mnemonics to help memorize it. to of other things too.


However, I really don’t like that I’m essentially spending twice as much time on anki just so I can go through both the kanji deck, and the vocabulary deck. I’m at a place now where the kanji in my vocabulary deck doesn’t just look like random scribbles. I’m used to memorizing the kanji.

Would it be a good choice to just focus on the vocabulary and learn the kanji quickly as im learning the vocab? For reference, when doing the kanji deck, All I’m doing is remembering the general english keyword for that kanji (or for the radical). I’m not at all remembering the kunyomi or the onyomi when going through my kanji deck.


My fear is that if I stop learning in the kanji deck, it’s going to be harder for me to attach meaning to the new words(with new kanji) I find in the vocab deck. I have better than average memory, and I feel like I’m used to a lot of kanji now (I’ve learned about 372 so far).





by Mistermistery101

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