Is there a service in Tokyo where I can borrow a kitchen for a few hours for personal use?

I’ve searched for this already, but I’m not quite sure what exactly it might be called in English or Japanese. I’ve seen some commercial kitchens for restaurant and delivery businesses, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m just about to leave my job and I want to make some cookies as a thank-you. It’s a family recipe, and my mother has sent me some in the mail before and they were a big hit, so this time I want to offer fresher ones that haven’t been crushed by international travel. But my apartment doesn’t have an oven, and I don’t own any mixing bowls or cookie sheets, either.

Is there a place that has these things that I can use just for the time it takes to make a batch or two? I’m willing to pay for the usage, and my own ingredients, of course (though I don’t have any of that in my apartment either). Or, if anyone’s been in a similar position, how have you offered homemade baked goods without the capacity to bake in your home?

EDIT: Rather than thanking everyone individually, I’ll just add it here. Thanks so much for all these resources, everyone. I’ve got a lot of options to choose from now, and I feel better equipped to make an informed decision. I’ll be saving this post. Thanks again.

by Backupusername

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