Spouse Visa Questions

Last January, I met my current girlfriend on a language exchange app and met her in person in Japan in March of 2023. Afterward, she visited America in the summer of 2023. Then, I got an apartment with her in Japan last October to study at a Japanese language school but left around 3 months into the program. The main reason for leaving was that my girlfriend got pregnant while I was in Japan, and I wanted to move back to the States to save up money. Plus, my Japanese level was higher than the class the school placed me in, so I wasn’t really learning anything. My girlfriend agreed and moved back in with her parents. Marriage has been on the table for a while, even before the pregnancy, and we were planning on getting married while I was in Japan on the student visa, but I left before we were able to. I’m planning on going back to Japan in September to marry her before she gives birth.

As far as I know, since 2018, the government changed the rules, and you can’t really apply for a spouse visa while in Japan on a tourist visa anymore unless there are major circumstances. Would my girlfriend being pregnant be considered a big enough circumstance that would allow me to apply while I’m there, or would I have to come back to America and apply from here? How would funds be considered in the application? I’m trying to save up as much money as I can before I go there, but should I try to find a job there before I go anyway? My Japanese level is probably between N3 to N2. My girlfriend’s family is very supportive, and her grandpa is willing to let us live in his house since he is sick and in the hospital.

Sorry for the long post. I’m hoping someone can help me out.


by Frequent_Tap8359

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