Transitioning from Full-time Employment to Contract Work


I have worked as a full-time company employee in Japan for over 3 years. Then my boss 夜逃げed and cut all the connections. There are also unpaid insurance stuff (health, non-employment etc.) and residence taxes.

I am now about to enter a new job, but this time it will be a contract-based position rather than full-time employment. The new company I will be joining has instructed me to obtain an Ao Iro Shinkoku for this purpose. At this point, there are things like Kojin Jigyou to consider. Can you help me understand how to proceed with this and what I need to take care of?

Another question I have is about my current visa type, which is Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services. If I transition to Kojin Jigyou, will my visa be suitable for this? Or do you think I might encounter issues when renewing my visa?

Thank you in advance.

by mugen_______

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