3 Week Itinerary Japan

Hello fellows,

we are planning our 23 Day itinerary to Japan. We arrive on Saturday the 22 June in Tokyo and leave Sunday the14 July from Tokyo.

We planned the following trip and would like to have some tips and opinions about our rout.


Tokyo 2 Nights 22.06-24.06

Hakone 1 Night 24.06-25.06

Kyoto 4 Nights 25.06-29.06

Osaka 3 Nights 29.06-02.07

Nara 1 Night 02.07-03.07

Koya-san 1 Night 03.07-04.07

Hiroshima 2 Nights 04.07-06.07

Fukuoka 1 Night 06.07-07.07

Flight from Fukuoka to Okinawa 07.07

Okinawa 5 Nights 07.07-12.07

Flight from Okinawa to Tokyo 12.07

Tokyio 2 Nights 12.07-14.07

Returning home from Tokyo 14.07


Are the one night stays woth it? Or would you recommend Daytrips from the bigger cities? Did we plan too many destinations?

Has anyone tips or experiences for the luggage while travelling? We are still deciding if we take a suitcase or if a backpack would be better?


Thank you very much for your help and sorry for bad english

by akaao

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