HSP Masters requirements

I’m looking at taking the HSP visa pathway, and I have about 1-2 years before I’d be looking to begin that process.

In this time I am considering doing a masters in Japanese, I’ve done quite a bit of self study and would consider myself around N4 level but a bit fuzzy. I’ve seen there are points for graduating from a Japanese university, having a masters, having a masters in Japanese etc

My question is does my masters have to be from their list of 300 to count. Does it have to be related to my career.

And finally, is there a good university that offers an intensive, entry ish level year long recognized masters in Japanese?

Does the difficulty level of the masters affect HSP points in any way? What stops me taking the cheapest and easiest masters for points beyond my actual desire for language learning? I can’t find anything on this.

by seoceojoe

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