10 Day Itinerary: Tokyo -> Matsumoto -> Nakasendo Trail -> Nagoya? -> Tokyo?

Hi all,

Looking for thoughts on this itinerary for a first-time, 10 day visit to Japan. Too packed? Too empty? I am trying to get a taste of both a big city metropolitan vibe and quiet, tranquil outdoors. I am 27 (m) and quite fit (relates to hiking described later). On a side note, I have been learning Japanese (almost 2 years) and would also like to make the most of that and try it out!

**Arrival Tokyo late:** get to accommodation / possibly go out for dinner depending on energy levels.

**Day 1**: Tokyo – Shibuya

* Explore a bit, possibly visit some parks. Generic touristy things.
* Buy souvenirs (heard Loft in Shibuya is great for it).
* Dinner with friend.

**Day 2:** Tokyo – Shibuya

* Generic touristy things.
* Dinner with friend.
* Check out Daikan Yamamocho neighbourhood

**Day 3:** Tokyo – Shibuya

* Not too sure. Explore a bit more or continue with more touristy activities. Pretty content to also just relax, walk around, find nice places to eat, sit in parks and read, etc.

**Day 4 – 5:** Matsumoto

* Castle
* Ishii Miso factory or Daio Wasabi Farm
* Try Sanzoku-Yaki chicken
* Lake Suwa (biking around and feet onsen)
* Agatanomori Park

**Day 6:** Matsumoto – Begin Nakasendo from north

* Hiking Nakasendo – end up in Kiso-Fukushima
* Stargazing at night
* Kiso Toy museum – possibly depending on time

**Day 7:** Kiso-Fukushima to Magome

* Possibly long hiking day!
* Kiso-Fukushima to Nojiri (30min train)
* Nojiri to Tusmago (6 hour hike apparently)
* Tusmago to Magome (3 – 4 hour hike apparently).

From what I have read I can take some transport options if necessary on this day, though I am not too worried about the long hike as I have heard the trail is more of a “walk” than a hike. Would be interested to hear peoples’ thoughts.

**Day 8 – 9:** Magone to… Nagoya? Hakone? then Tokyo?

* Conscious that I have to be back in Tokyo for a late flight on the 10th day, I was thinking that Nagoya could be a good “base” as apparently the Shinkansen can get me to Tokyo in under 2h.
* Alternatively, I was thinking that I could do a night in Hakone then a night in Tokyo.

**Day 10:** Tokyo

* Hopefully have gathered more ideas/know a bit more of what I would personally be interested in exploring by this “second” visit back to Tokyo.
* Depart at night.

by Pichiqueche

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