Wondering how is this possible?

Last night, watching Manie-Manie 迷宮物語(manie-manie meikyū monogatari) I’ve noticed a thing that drove me mad. On the helmet of a droid in the last episode there’s a inscription that says “安全第一” So far,
nothing too fancy: it’s just a common phrase
to find, especially on a working site
environment. The thing is, 第 is written in
what is likely to be simplified form. Fun fact:
this kanji doesn’t exist. I didn’t find anything
about this, neither in Japanese or in Chinese.
Am I too stupid to found the missing kanji, or
there’s something I miss? Pic related (https://

  1. I don’t actually know, but just thinking out loud – is there any reason this might not have just been drawn that way, because they assumed it wouldn’t really be legible on VHS quality anyway and drawing 第 in motion for a hundred frames might be a pain in the butt?

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