Advice for options for moving in 2025? (24M)

Hello, I’m a 24 year old living in England, currently studying Japanese and around an N4 level, trying to study around 3 hours a day to achieve N3 sometime this year.

I have a degree in Business, Masters in Marketing and I’m currently a Business Analyst (for 1.5 years) working in a FTSE 100 company. I previously held a marketing role for 1.5 years too. My current predicament is that I’m developing so much love for learning the Japanese language, which combined with a desire to leave my current role, has made me look into potential options available to live in Japan for 1 year (or more). The issue comes with the fact that knowing the job options available to me are mostly either an English Teacher or Recruiter, it makes me hesitant to go through with a teaching job because of work conditions and I guess future job prospects? (I know i’m generalising, I have just found mixed sentiments online!)

This has led me into discovering language schools. Has anyone had any experience with these before, ideally in Tokyo or Osaka? I’m unaware of the price associated with these, alongside if rent is covered or if rent is an additional expense? (Note I currently have around £9k+ in Savings but would be hesitant to spend all of this in 1 year).

My aim moving to Japan would be to develop my language abilities, treating the experience as a ‘Gap Year’ of sorts, before deciding to pursue further employment if possible (if I love living there)

In my situation, with my background and current job, what would people recommend I go with? any advise would be appreciated!

by noenemies_

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